We Are All Inter-Connected

I have a memory from my childhood, somewhere between 6 to 8 years old. There was a moment when I realized that I could have been born to different parents, with a different socioeconomic background, in an entirely different part of the world. A knowing that I could have been someone else, and someone else could have been me. This was the beginning of my understanding of our interconnectedness. 

The word yoga means to yoke or to unite. It is a wholeness that comes when there is a union of body, mind and spirit. It is a science of balanced living. Each part is so intimately connected and reliant upon the other that if one part suffers, it effects the whole. One example of this could be if we are in a constant state of worry, which negatively impacts the mind. The result may manifest itself through a migraine or heart palpitations, negatively impacting the body, or a loss of hope, negatively impacting the spirit.This intelligence is so beautifully calibrated, that when one part of the whole suffers, it gives us signals (migraines) to make a change, recalibrate and come back to wholeness. 

I believe this is what is happening right now on a much larger scale.The same intelligence that is constantly working to keep our mind and body balanced is also attempting to keep the earth in a delicate state of equilibrium.We affect each other in the most profound and simplest of ways. When we lose sight of our interconnectedness, we act from a place of fear. Borders are created, war, mass shootings….this is all a delusion of otherness and ultimately creates suffering for everyone. 

This moment in our lives is an opportunity to relearn something we once knew but have since forgotten. That I am you and you are me, and we are all woven into the same fabric of life. May we see this moment in time with clarity and make future decisions on not just how we are effected, but how our actions effect the whole. Together, may this planet begin to heal through this universal intelligence. 

“With every action theres an equal opposite reaction” – Albert Einstein 

Tina Lanzoni


Welcome! I am a certified yoga instructor and certified yoga therapist. It is my passion to share techniques that enhance and deepen your yoga practice and strategies that help relieve stress and anxiety. To learn more click here.

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